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Welcome to Jessie's bloggie @ http://jessiebloggie.blogspot.com/
Friday, November 28, 2008
a moment with my KAKIIS

there's 6 of us in total
we knew each other since primary school
it's really been a long time
comments from peoples:
"gosh thats really 'old' friends u guys are"
" how i wish i have best friend from since primary school and still being the best"

yup it's been years and yup we r still the best-est friend in the universe
so proud of us

for the Kakiis.com contest suppose to 'dig an old photo or take a new 1"
but i just have to break the rules
as 1 photo showing us its not enough!!

here's my all time favorite pictures of us
well actually only 4 of us as the other 2 were already in state furthering their studies

get ready to see our craziness!!
taken during my farewell dinner at shogun, sp

from the left were hui yee, roe, me, and rose
eventually rose thinks we're crazy and left hide away from camera
too bad there no faye and esther T____T

group photo of us taken at delicious @ 1U
from top left : me, rose, roe, hui yee, esther, faye

best friends forever

p.s. bila u guys coming back la!! 

ends at 5:27 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
pyramid fun

omg it's been awhile i did not visit 'my' shopping heaven
went  to pyramid wit sis spend some time walking around and did some shopping

had zan mai for lunch
long time did not have that too..
since chinese new year i guess
but the smoked salmon salad did not satisfied our tummy

since christmas is around the corner and of cos there's lots of christmas deco around the mall

but too bad i din get to take some photos outside the mall

sis bought me this icecream
well guess it's been there for quite some time d
but its my 1st time having it
and its so yum
i think the black sesame flavor is even nicer than the greentea

on our way home we drove a little further from our hse
and went to a few boutique at the next door neighbourhood
went aurora the new franchise but dun like the service there
still like the 1 at damansara perdana
love those two sales assistant
mm..should go back there visit them ey ^____^

ends at 7:52 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

bangkok trip part2

well had some problem with the internet when i was in bangkok
the internet there really crappy

anyway updates of all my bangkok trip photos are here
so be prepare with the photo spam

i'll let the photos to do the talking as i'm kinda lazy to type so much

2nd day of my trip went to this emerald buddha temple and erm grand palace..

k this is some random ppl praying..

the grand palace

after the walk about in some 'no idea where were i' place went to platinum mall meet up with auntie rosie n eeleng for shopping spree
yeah and this shopping spree costed us alot and we ended up left the mall to late n got stuck in traffic jams
and guess wat..non of the taxi wanted to fetch us so we had too take the stupid toot-toot (no idea how it's spelled). cost us 100baht for this ride..no air-cond, small n compact and dirty n yieu!!! taking cab which is clean, air-conditioned comfort only cost us 70-80baht!! stupid toot-toot....

look at those shopping bags.....@______@

dinner..we went to the local's tony's roma!!! hehehe...just to eat their very famous pork ribs. yeah..u wont get it in malaysia oo...^_____^ n its super yum!!! but the meal was too much of meat n made me feel so sick of pork now.

a mobile bar..so cute!!

end of my day by visiting a few bars around the area. of cos went with daddy else dun think i dare to go...


the 3rd day of my trip

continue our shopping spree at the same platinum fashion mall since morning 9am till evening 5pm...buahahaha...we r super crazy girls!!

lunch at their grand canyon coffee shop. had sandwiches and salads. nice food but their services..sux all time..eeleng told me it neva change since the last time she came..o-me-God...

nite time dinner at some local restaurant. the tauke noes to speak hokkien le!!! 
after dinner walked around town and end up decided to go bed supper club
k the club it's at the same row as our hotel so dad n auntie rosie decided to bring me go 'clubbing'
on our way there passed by this mu club/cafe/pub/restaurant...no idea wat k but i better not talk bad bout them as there's whole big gang of mu fans in there.

reaching at bed supper club. entrance...love this tee tat the mannequin wearing ^____^

love this sign too!!! every single tourist tat pass by for sure will that a photo of it ^___^ which include me as well!!! blek...

this madame relax came offering us for leg massage. too bad we went for thai massage before we came here ^_____^ but love her tee.COOL 1!!!

basically that wat i did during my trip in bangkok. shopping heaven there. din shop at any of those classy shopping mall but it's really fun shopping jst at platinum fashion mall ^___^ for a total amount of 700myr i spent for travelling around town, shopping and entrance ticket and food!! it's so so so cheap!!! and the amount of clothes i bought..o-me-GOD..alot!!!

related post:

bangkok trip part 1

p.s.luckily i came back earlier..else guess i'll be stuck there

ends at 7:49 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
bangkok trip part 1

actually should i consider it to be 1st day or second day?
as i reached bangkok last nite
well maybe i also consider it to be first day

anyway i'm free from classes and exams d
i should be start enjoying all my holidays

bangkok trip 1st day
woke up quite early today
guess i'm still jet lag..

anyway went out for a walk after breakfast while waiting for my dad
yeah i went out for a walk alone!!
seriously bangkok is so so so so so so so scary!!
oh maybe cause i was walking alone that's why people gets to kacau me
but still!! girls shouldnt walk alone in bangkok

somehow i can feel like those blonde old men the way they look at me differently
the receptionist and the luggage boy thought i'm from japan..
sweat...isnt it i look so so so like chinese
which part of me look japanese?

went for lunch at mcD
n of cos i ordered mcD's PORK BURGER

*sorry for malay readers. not meant to be rude*
1st time having it taste not bad
long time i din eat mcd
guess there's like almost 6 months i din eat fast food
"y??? cos i hate fast food"

walk around the street market
long time din see such street market
made me dun feel like buying stuff at all even though is cheap
went robinson instead
but omg!! even inside robinson also look like street market
its so messy!!! the the salesmen there

another thing is..i wonder why can the elephant walk around the city??
it's a city and there's so many humans
what if the elephant gone mad and start trampling on peoples

well till then..will post picture later on
gotta get some rest while waiting for rosie aunty to arrive
cant wait for dinner too!! i so craving for tomyam now
ee.... ^_____^


dinner went to this shopping mall called mbk
of cos for shopping
after awhile we start looking for food..
went to the upstair food court
omg!!! i love the foodcourt concept there
it's something similar to what we have at the starhill basement
jst that this is a foodcourt and not so high class

looks yum rite!!! yeah and i ordered tom yam of cos!!
but the tomyam turn out not as i expected..taste ok but the prawn was not so fresh which spoil my whole dining experience..ish ish..

related post:

bangkok trip part 2

ends at 9:25 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Monday, November 17, 2008
its the start of my holidays

yes!! i just finish all my papers today

now what i have to do is try to pack all my stuff into boxes and my only luggage i have
well the problem is i bought too much souvenirs
which ended up i cant fit everything in

my room now:
way too messy to describe
cupboards and wardrobe are all emptied
no place i could walk my way out of my room
so i have to do some hopping in my small little room

and seriously my room is just so small
that the biggest space i can get were just right for me to put my luggage

now the main problem is to figure out how to pack all my stuff!!!
gosh.. i think i have too many things to pack

when i just came here
i just brought along 1 luggage with me

yet now.....cant fit everything into that bright red luggage

guess most of you guys studying oversea will be going back home soon
especially those studying in aus and nz
or maybe you are going on a trip soon

so here's some tips for packing ur luggage
those tips kinda helped me alot
hehehe....hope it will be useful for you guys too


ways of packing perfectly


Plan ahead

Avoid packing pitfalls by only bringing items that have an 80% minimum chance of being used—but be sure to plan before you pack. Lay out everything that you think you want to pack on your bed and take a good hard look. That way you can avoid packing, say, three floral tops when you only need one. 


Put your clothes on a diet

Choosing thin clothing that packs flat over thicker, more bulky items makes a huge difference in how much you can fit in your suitcase. Instead of packing a heavy sweater and jeans, try more travel-friendly options, such as Patagonia's Inter-Continental Pants and micro fleece pullover. 


Wear it on

Can’t bear to part with that lucky ski sweater or full-length overcoat during the trip? When traveling with bulky clothing items is unavoidable, make it a rule to wear the most room-eating garments on the plane. After all, who can’t use a little extra protection from the blasting on-flight air conditioning?


Be a material girl

The secret to looking great once you disembark has as much to do with the type of clothing you pack as with how much shut-eye you get on the plane. Your best bet? Choose wrinkle-resistant fabrics that dry quickly, such as washable silk, nylon and micro-fibers. Cotton is generally less forgiving, as it wrinkles easily and takes longer to dry—especially denim.


Pack for compatibility

The key to packing light is selecting versatile and interchangeable pieces.Chooses your clothes by focusing on one basic color, such as black, white, brown or khaki, then adds variety with additional tops and accessories that have more color and personality. This approach allows you to pare down the number of garments you need while making it easy to change up your look with creative mixing and matching.


Do a double take

Increase your packing options with expandable or convertible luggage. In the event that your added gifts and souvenirs leave you facing hefty overweight charges (Think $30 and up) at the check-in counter, you can simply unzip the gear bag from the bin and check in two separate bags.


Think bling

Spice up a basic outfit with compact accessories, such as belts, jewelry and scarves. These suitcase space-savers add instant color and can easily take an outfit from day to night.


Scale back on shoes

One easy way to gain more luggage space? Reduce the number of shoes you bring along. Pack only one pair of flats and one pair of heels for every trip. When packing, place shoes toe-to-heel in the bottom of your luggage along the edge, and make the most of the empty spaces inside your footwear by filling them with fragile items wrapped in socks.


Make your carry-on count

For ease of travel, choose sturdy, lightweight luggage that’s easy to maneuver and has built-in compartments and collapsible shelves for easy packing. 


Condense your clothes

Space-saving compression bags let you pack up to double the amount of gear—no jumping, sitting or lying on suitcase required! These oversize plastic bags are equipped with one-way pressure valves along one edge that release excess air and keep it out. Compression bags work best for bulky items, such as sweaters, coats, down jackets, pillows, beach towels and even wet garments.


Lighten your load

Choosing lightweight suitcases not only makes it easier for you to get about, it also often gives you more space to pack. If you’re planning on doing lots of shopping during your trip, pack an extra travel tote or daypack that folds flat in your luggage—it can even double as a place to carry essentials on day outings and bring back your travel treasures on the flight back. 

cited from
15 ways of packing perfection

tomorrow i'll be leaving here heading back home
er..not back home yet actually
will stop by at bangkok for shopping
hehehe...so stay tune for photo spam again

ends at 7:51 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Sunday, November 16, 2008
i need a break...

have a break
n have a kit kat!!

but i dun have a kit kat right now...


nvm...there's a thing called world wide web
there u go girl

ends at 1:08 AM
Jessie x♥x♥

Friday, November 14, 2008
profound thoughts by men

found this quite interesting
is from a forwarded mail
if you wanna have some laugh go on to read it then


4 profound thoughts by men:



When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers.
When we are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity.
When we die, our widows get the life insurance.
What do women want to be liberated from?



The average man's life consists of:
Twenty years of having his mother ask him where he is going, Forty years
of having his wife ask the same question; and at the end, the mourners
wondering too.



A Man was walking down a street when he heard a voice from behind, "If you
take one more step, a brick will fall down on your head and kill you." The
man stopped and a big brick fell right in front of him.. The man was

He went on, and after a while he was going to cross the road. Once again
the voice shouted, "Stop! Stand still! If you take one more step a car
will run over you, and you will die." The man did as he was instructed,
just as a car came careening around the corner, barely missing him.

The man asked. "Who are you?" "I am your guardian angel," the voice
answered. "Oh, yeah?" the man asked "And where the hell were you when I
got married?"



Everyone in the wedding ceremony was watching the radiant bride as her
father escorted her down the aisle to give away to the groom. They reached
the altar and the waiting groom; the bride kissed her father and placed
some thing in his hand. Everyone in the room was wondering what was given
to the father by the bride.

The father could feel the suspense in the air and all eyes were on him to
divulge the secret and say something. So he announced "Ladies and
Gentlemen today is the luckiest day of my life." Then he raised his hands
with what his daughter gave him and continued, "My daughter finally,
finally returned my credit card to me."

The whole audience including the priest erupted in laughter .......... all
except the poor Groom  !

lol   ^____^

ends at 8:33 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Thursday, November 13, 2008
meng meng

k it's not my son
but it's lao gong's neighbour's youngest son
he is jst so too adorable

web cam with him when he came over to lao gong's house
he's so cute!!
he knows to call me jie jie
and the way he called..alamak..heart like melted only
*lao gong cannot jealous oo..*

some of his photos taken by lao gong
be prepare to get heart melted by his adorable face

this is when he was scolded by tong cos he went to switch off the main switch which connected to tong's laptop...
can see his pi ti coming out..yieks...

his facial expression when sedang curi makan corn flakes

look at him!!! talking on phone also looks so so so cute!!!

having dinner at oversea restaurant
rice on the whole baby chair table and his face..lol..

cute right?!?!?
how i wish to have a son like him eh...
not too naughty and smart and cute!!!
oh his name...JIN MENG...which mean smart in mandarin

ends at 8:33 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
urgent repair

lao gong and vanessa mui mui told me my blog went cacated
i din noe le...
cos from my safari browser everything looks fine
when i check with annie
everything fine too

so whats goin on actually!?!?!?

leave me msg on chatbox k 

thanks very muchie oo....

ends at 8:17 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

layering fun

first time posting bout fashion in my cute bloggie
cos there's too many people asking how to have perfect layering
complaining to me bout mix and matching clothes is so hard etc...

i love mix and matching my clothes
especially i'm so thin and tiny
its suit me much then just wearing a single layer

and another point is me studying in a 4 season country
and layering become part of essential fun in fashion especially during winter
winter break not to miss fun?
playing mix and match with housemates

so how/what is the perfect layer?

so guys..er..
sorry is GIRLS!! 
read up this article
it may help...well i think its kinda helpful

The perfect layer
Gloss - latest fashion, beauty tips, health advice, celebrity gossip and more... - Wednesday, 12 November 2008
© Gloss - latest fashion, beauty tips, health advice, celebrity gossip and more...

another fashion tips:

must have fashion for summer

check your wardrobe did u miss out anything important!!







Fashion Forecast: Top 6 Summer Must-haves
Gloss - latest fashion, beauty tips, health advice, celebrity gossip and more... - Wednesday, 12 November 2008
© Gloss - latest fashion, beauty tips, health advice, celebrity gossip and more...

ends at 5:43 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

what a warm nite

autumn came past
winter when by
it's end of spring
summer coming by

oh my gosh!!! is so freaking hot now...
how i wish i could open my window wide and let the cold breeze enters
but i cant
because there'll then be lots of summer flies flying into my warmy room
ish ish....

can't sleep..it's jst too warm
too bad there's no air conditioner here
only heater available

ends at 12:02 AM
Jessie x♥x♥

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

had been really busy with exams lately..
still struggling with my history paper
i wonder how my professor study through all these histories
it's like the book so thick
and bored and tiny words
really salute him for able to get the professor title

can't wait till this fri which is archi technology paper
lalala...finish preparing for the paper
hope it wont be too hard as i heard it's a new co subject for archi students this year

i wonder why they make so much changes
first was last sem's technology class where we were given fourth year assignments
let me repeat that..its FOURTH YEAR ASSIGNMENTS
no idea what going on
buut luckily we manage to get through this subject
yay to everyone
gagaga...professor rosangela even commented we did better then the fourth year


anyway here's some update on my onehunga shopping

actually i went onehunga for few times d
eventhough its so close to uncle's hse
but he neva bring me over before
well..we even hardly go out together
i miss those cute cousin bros

this is our first time walking the main street of onehunga
surprisingly there's an indian shop
which excited annie very much
we went in to have a lot..guess how much a saree cost

NZD 400
so freaking expensive wei!!!!

found this interesting piece of art
really interesting with the fact of the surface being destroyed by cigarette ash
seems like people used it as an ash tray instead of appreciate it as a pieces of art

grey lips?!?!?

burned forehead....T____T

a chess set??

a chess table...notice the leg
it's actually human legs n hands

interesting couch

buut i wonder why is this 2 pieces of art placed at the middle of the town, in front of a church
yeah jst that 2 pieces...odd ey??

annie and i

saint peter's church...looks like everywhere in the world has st. peter's church

after shopping in dress smart we went to this cafe
name itself also sound the shop serves yum food

and yes!! indeed they do serve yum food!!!

i ordered a potato tuna pie

looks not so nice but taste is 最もよく!!
oh it served with this sauce
if not mistaken it's chow chow sauce
(pickled vege with honey mustard)
something lidat..not sure

annie's baked eggplant with stuffed risotto
yum too!! though is kinda weird...

cost for the food:
my potato tuna pie : 7.50 nzd
annie's baked eggplant: 8.90 nzd

satisfying day..yuhu~~

related post: shopping day 01

ends at 7:06 PM
Jessie x♥x♥