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Welcome to Jessie's bloggie @ http://jessiebloggie.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
love the morning but....

oh yes i do really love the weather this morning

although is very windy but its not cold at all. i just love how the wind breezes on my face ^_^ tho i might get blown off. hardly can walk properly when i cross the road..T_T

but when it comes to the noon
the sky turned so gloomy and it started to rain
like down pour tat kind
oh and guess wat..i was at gordon harris getting materials for my contour model making
halfway paying the rain jst started..
and got myself wet on my way back to studio

and yes...its still raining out there..

ends at 7:15 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

not[fun] at all

architecture is fun in a way but is isnt fun in another way too..
sound so contradicted right
yeah i noe
most of my frens tat i asked wat they feel towards this course have almost the same opinion
fun when is really fun and not fun at all when its not

wtc am i talking bout
guess i'm way too tired from all my works i hav done

i remember i wrote something bout architecture students b4..
i'll jst scroll back my old post and see if i can find it

we are really poor in a way
u spend like few 20 dollars on buying materials to do ur models
then when the outcome is tat u actually did it wrongly
n there goes ur 20bucks
(i can shop for 2 piece of really nice top d ... T_T...)

and you have to spend another 20 over bucks to get new materials and redo the whole dam model..(wat a waste of time and monies..)

we sleep less than any other normal ppl
yes we so especially when we have submission
i only slept for 4 hours each day ....
it's been continuous for a week now..
i jst gotta get more sleepin time
i really need to
but i cant seem to find a time for it..argh...

we have a messy house/room/studio
duh!!! imagine when we hav to like cut all those papers n cards which create lotsa rubbish and craps of our works..

we work harder than any other ppl
kinda true bout tat..i mean beside comparing with the medic students..

we are funny ppl
sometimes especially when we din get enuf sleep and every1 start giving crazy idea n thoughts
oh and thats how weird stupid outrageous architecture was created

but out of all this
you get to enjoy 1 thing..which i think is really fun
designing, making models, drawings that give a "WOW" to ppl
thats feeling is jst way toooooo FUN

ends at 6:49 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Anechoic chamber!!!
its really anechoic
i mean you can really feel the big difference between the outside world n in the chamber
even once u jst stepped into the chamber

will post up some photos of the chamber tmr cos gotta save my data caps at home
will use the uni's data caps instead.hahaha^_^

we were then shut in the chamber for quite some time
i guess probably half an hour or so
feeling i have...
gost its eerie to walk on those wired mesh
cos it doesnt have a floor !!! i mean literally a solid floor
cos they need to have the chamber being anechoic
so having a solid floor will reflects the sound wave (ie creating echo)

the all 6 faces of the chamber are covered with spongy wedges
be aware...its not a flat spongy surface
the wedges are placed into a special orientation tho
reason: to let the sound wave diffuse into the wedges slowly else the wave will bounce back slightly if have a flat surface

so can you actually hear SOUND???
yes you can actually
subjective sound from the outside (not sure subjective or objective,gotta revise my lecture later)
jst that the decibels too low and did not reach the threshold of our hearing decibels

so when some 1 talk directly to you and backing you
you can actually hear the sound level difference
direct louder than backing you (and you still can hear the ppl talking even though he's backing you)
y is it so???
because the sound wave doesnt travel in straight line like light wave
there's a refraction therefore you can hear it too

when we step into the chamber we can fell a pressure building up in the ear
because our ear getting the signal of we are in a new environment so the ear bone retract to provide a safety precautions. therefore pressure built up

when you step out of the chamber and the lecturer still talking as the same sound level
but you actually hear it become louder then it was in the chamber
because our ear~which is one of the most sensitive part of our body actually ...erm cant remember wat the lecturer said..will have to do my revision..^_^

it's kinda like my notes of wat my lecturer said during the chamber visit (from my memory)
so i might get some of the stuff wrong
pls correct me if i got anything wrong ^_^

then we went to the reverberation chamber
it's a total opposite of the anechoic chamber
everything u said reflects back with lots of echo
it takes approximately 5s for the echo to disappear
difference from the anechoic chamber is tat a reverberation chamber has all solid and shinning surface.
heavy wall with all faces doesnt face directly to each other (all at some angle)
only then they will able to reflect the sound wave till very mess

and 1 last thing
dun think u will get to experience all these kida stuff if u study in malaysia
oh and the chamber was 1 of the best anechoic chamber (last time)
the chamber costed 9mil to built and 14 months full time of designing it @_@
it's really old now. probably in some other part of the world they have a better chamber
but i still think this i way dam cool

ends at 6:40 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Thursday, April 1, 2010
living in city is really INTERESTING

title says it all

mayb cos the apartment i staying now is really near the main street of the city??
so tats y i get to experience the real nite life of a city???
yeah probably tats the reason

my apartment is bout 2 or 3 mins walking distance away from the main street which is "queen street" of Auckland city
from my window i get to see ppl walking for work or shopping during the day
which nothing much interest about
but during the nite time
i get to see the beautiful lit sky tower!!
and also....
it's the time when the city really comes alive

ppl start drinking at pubs n clubs
and then get drank too much n got drunk
so wat they did after they drunk is start shouting n screaming
scolding ppl tat walk pass "%$*^%"
couples start arguing
accident happen at the junction n ppl start fighting
police car everywhere
always hear siren from police car (i think tat siren meant to stop ppl so the police can question them)
cars trying to speed or drift..annoying sound they made
musics from car turn to like dam freaking asshole loud
ppl throwing glass bottles (should be from their wine bottle or beer)

haih...should i say i am lucky to stay in the city
or should i say...omg..i shouldn't be here!!!
i mean it's really annoying when u r really tired from work
have not been sleeping for enuf hours n trying to get some sleep back
but those ppl out there are jst so noisy...

ends at 8:45 PM
Jessie x♥x♥