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Welcome to Jessie's bloggie @ http://jessiebloggie.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

months after i revisit my blog page n i guess i should start writing again...
life been really bored lately 
all i hav been doing while waiting for time to pass
is jst online shopping, kay poh wit my bffs, eat, sleep
so came up wit some plans...

went BROGA HILL!!!.....
it was public holiday afterall 
so we managed to wake up at 3am left at 4am 
jst wanna try to be at broga hill top to catch a sunrise
(so dumb)

din get to see pretty sunrise due to the weather
was drizzling n cloudy and lots of huge mosquito!!!

second plan...

at first was a very good plan but after that everything gone so disastrous...
~~~bicycle crash~~~
dunno what went wrong my bicycle lose control n the next thing i knew was i'm tangled up wit my bicycle
cant even get to move the bicycle away on my own...

i guess next time i should gear up wit protective pads on me b4 i do anything stupid

ps: things to worry now...how am i gonna attend my graduation????

ends at 1:24 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Monday, January 30, 2012
busy with traveling

been really busy lately and i think i should start blogging again
especially about my trips

yeah i will...shall we jst wait for a littlw while more > <
as i need to finish up my resume and have it send out by this week!!!
else i'll seriously being a 无业游民

ends at 2:51 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Monday, December 19, 2011
a month

its been a month since i got back from NZ
nothing much done
jst like a useless person 
exactly what i should describe myself
nothing productive
beside bumping around in d city and out of town last weekend
seriously nothing much i hav done

i should seriously kick my butt off d bed and start doing something


i should get some sleep atm

nites world

ends at 4:06 AM
Jessie x♥x♥

Friday, November 11, 2011
the Moon

love how i can see the moon from my bed
love how the moon brighten up my entire room..
but somehow hate to see it round n bright 
as it makes me missing you 
even more..

ends at 3:09 AM
Jessie x♥x♥

Monday, October 31, 2011
Milky way at Tekapo, NZ

situated midland south island of New Zealand
wish that i have the time to travel tat far

the town is known as having the starriest sky
and you can even see milky way!!!
we cant really see them normally as the sky were so polluted by ppl
tekapo town had their lights change to sodium bulbs to reduce pollution

mm....cant wait to get there when i have the time. 
probably next year during my graduation trip back to nz i'll make sure lao gong will bring me there!!

ends at 9:57 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Friday, October 28, 2011
end of sem end of degree

cant believe time flies so fast
in a blink of eye

by next wed 4pm is officially end of my semester work

hoping that i'll be able to pass this semester and graduate soon

cant wait to be back home
cant wait to be back by your side

i'm gonna miss this place and friends
thanks for the memories given

all i need to do now is to sort out my luggage and my huge wardrobe i have here

dusk taken from my room

ends at 6:43 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Saturday, September 10, 2011
time flies

time really flies
is like jst 'snap' and is been a year

another birthday celebration
filled my day with food

loved the day as spring is around d corner
everything jst look so pretty 
sunny day and i'm sure is gonna be so great to stay outdoor in a pretty garden
too bad i lived in d city n have got no car to travel far

and due to RWC event everywhere is filled wit ppl 
n most roads were close/block

ends at 11:50 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Sunday, September 4, 2011
WinWin's bigday

is WinWin's birthday today
planned to go Waiheke for lunch at first
thinking to have a yummy lunch then walk to the beach to take some pretty photos
but ended up we missed the ferry and the weather changed bad
so ended up we had lunch at this restaurant in Viaduct and have a walk 

 me ^^

 WinWin d birthday girl

 while waiting for food...~~

 september ^^

 my risotto..really yummy

 me jojo n winwin

me anna jojo n winwin

yeah...the weather turn back really fine after we decided which restaurant to go for lunch 
but we were lucky enuf tday to get a parking at viaduct

with free parking ticket ^^ *winkwink...
must b cos the old old uncle noes tat is winwin's bday today so gave her as a present

ends at 6:46 PM
Jessie x♥x♥

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

omg im in love wit this city comparing to paris..
the place is so much cleaner n people are way lot friendly

end of spring beginning of summer
best time to visit such place
indulge myself with beautiful scenery and yummy seafood ^^
and of cos visiting antonio gaudi's work of art/architecture

ends at 10:43 AM
Jessie x♥x♥

Monday, August 22, 2011
sick and still working

is 5am
n i'm still working on my design
complicated feelings now
cos i cant wait till the end of crit so i can relax and get some good hours of sleep
but at the same time i'm not hopping to see my fren-TUESDAY yet as i'm still not finish with my design!!!!!

still sick since last month
diagnosed with allergic bla bla bla...
medication level on high
feels so suck now
how can you work at long hour if you are on medication?!?!?
life sucks

Anna brought me to this sze chuan restaurant
first time eating n fell in love wit it!!
omg..i'm missing it again
tho jst had it 3 days ago..

went shopping with the other day and ended up...
jst loving Khiel's so much!!

BB - new fren at home ^^

ends at 5:03 AM
Jessie x♥x♥